26 de Octubre - Concurso de Artículo “¿Por qué estudio Inglés?” (Why do I study English?) En este concurso podrán participar todos los estudiantes de Institutos de Inglés “América” que envíen sus artículos antes del día 31 (se amplía el plazo para enviar sus trabajos) de Octubre a nuestro e-mail . El artículo deberá ser escrito en Inglés y no mayor a una pagina tamaño carta. El artículo será publicado en nuestra revista Why? Y en el blog de la misma.

Asunto: Homework
De: Fecha: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 02:33:54 +0000
Why do I study English?
In my early years i stopped my studies because in my house we didn't have money to pay the studies for tow people. So I decided that my brother continued his studies and I work.
In the personal, all the people have a goal but when you have your children and you have to take them a head there isn’t another form only working and I teach them a good way and what is the best way than to be prepared with a language such important as the English
It is when you realize that money can not stop you and you do the impossible to learn.
Martin Perez is student of the 1st. Level Advanced Course 8 to 9 p.m. Plantel La La Paz Centro
Fecha: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 23:02:26 -0500
Para: "iameryk"
Because to know this language for my is important; since to master the English is fundamental and it will support the attention to my customers, a professional performance, and in the same way in the job.
Because it is a challenge for the personal and professional development.
Because it is equal to depend on the skill of the English Language that of an elementary knowledge or profession.
Because Nobody will soon be able to live, in these difficult and competitive times, with only the preparation of the school.
Because in the developed countries, it is already a reality the learning of English in all the levels of education, it is obligatory.
Because each time, the exigencies of the employers are bigger and the competition has been increased between those who struggle to find a job.
Because also at home, and even in the daily tasks, knowing English aids, having the solution in the directions for the user, we could not take advantage of them because it was written in English.
In order to conclude, I say that I study English to increase my communicational abilities, that combined with our other capacities, could have better qualities of life.
For those reasons I study English.
Ing. Juan Loya Flores
Juan Loya is student of the 1st. Level Advanced Course 8 to 9 p.m. Plantel La La Paz Centro
Fecha: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 08:12:26 -0700 (PDT)
De: "Luis Antonio Lopez Santos"
Asunto: carta de ingles de LuisAntonio Lopez Santos
I am studing English because it is a challenge for my life, the language is important for the people in all the world , we have a potential neighbor, it is United Estate and we have to take advantage of this condition, because today we are global economy, it is necessary to be prepared to compete.
I am Civil Engineer and I working with Americans people almost always, today I am speaking a little English , but before I had to get a translator, I watched all people who speak English have a good work, so is needed to study and get prepared.
I want to be an example for my family, to show them we can learn a language, and my children going to study in the future, because your future will to compete.
I recommended all people, to try studying some language, the language is culture and it opens our minds to other cultures, the world is big an everybody has the opportunity to know there are many countries around the world and some have different languages.
I think we have to life the present, but to think on the future, only the best prepared will arrive at the top.
Luis Antonio Lopez Santos.
Luis Lopez is student of the 1st. Level Advanced Course 8 to 9 p.m. Plantel La La Paz Centro
De: "Carolina Lucero Aviles"
Asunto: homework
Fecha: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 15:49:15 +0000
I study English, because it is a language that I like and I think that the English is one of the most important languages in the world.When I decided to study English I did it thinking in my personal overcoming, too.For me it is very important that I can finish the English course, it is my goal.I know that when I speak English very well, I’ll have more opportunities to work, and i will be able to communicate with people from other countries.I'm married woman and sometimes it is complicated, to combine work, family and to study, and at the end of the day, we only think in resting.But I finish the day studying and for me every day is like the first day of classes, when I arrive at the classroom, I always do it with enthusiasm to learn a new word each day.When I was younger, I didn't have the opportunity to study English, but I think that it is never late, when you want to overcome and go ahead.I'm proud of my family, because they have always support me.So, I study English, because in the future, I’ll have more benefits for me and my family.And.........above all I want that my daughters feel proud of me. Carol Lucero
Carolina Lucero is student of the 1st. Level Advanced Course 8 to 9 p.m. Plantel La La Paz Centro
De: "francisco romero"
Fecha: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 12:34:22 -0500
Why do I study English
I first wanted to study English not to be late in the secondary one. and because I want to study medicine. Also because my aunt and cousins who live in the United States have wanted me to take with them but nowise I to speak English and for that reason she did not accept and now who or a little but that goes but times my favorite programs sometimes I wan
But also because now in English it is necessary so that in any work one takes care English because wanted a pastime but sometimes invited to me to go to the cinema because went every week but by the English no longer I go and for that reason the desire take off to attend the English to attend or sometimes no.
Also the works in equipment of my school sometimes I cannot do them so that my breast does not leave me lacks to the English so that she says that if I lack she is like wasting money
Francisco Romero is student of the 1st. Level Intermediate Course 6 to 7 p.m. Plantel La La Paz Centro
De: "paul antonio preciado gonzalez"
Asunto: tarea?
Fecha: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 00:08:22 +0000
Why do I study English?
I am studying English because one day at 4:50 p.m. my father said me “Paul..!! You are going to English class the next week” what?? I said. I don’t want to go to the English class!! And my father said me “sorry you are inscribed in a English school, no! I shouted. But my father say that “the English is very important” because one day when I want to work in some place I will need it, or when I go out to other country I will need the English. Now I know that the English is very important.
Paul Preciado is student of the 2nd. Level Advanced Course 8 to 9 p.m. Plantel La La Paz Centro
De: neemnrood manfred hamburgo fragoso (
Enviado: viernes, 26 de octubre de 2007 12:05:01 p.m.
Why do I study English?
I study English because my sisters studied English here and my sister works, she uses the English and the English helps her. My mother wanted me to study English, because I want to work in the future. The English helps you to accomplish all you want. I want to be prepared to have the best job. I think that knowing other language is very important because it helps you. I want to know this language because in this place is visited many tourists and we can to help the tourists.
Neemnrood Manfred Hamburgo Fragoso is student of the 2nd. Level Intermediate course 4 to 5, Plantel La Paz Centro.
De: Brianna Marielle Hamburgo Fragoso (
Enviado: viernes, 26 de octubre de 2007 12:15:00 p.m.
Why do I study English?
I have always dreamed that I’m a big worker and I have a great occupation without a problem. All the people want to obtain a good job but unfortunately the people don’t always counts with all the resources to do it. In order to get a good job the English is the principal thing to obtain it. That’s why I wanted to learn English the way I’m learning, to obtain a good job and be a good person with a fabulous job in the future. The English is something very fun too, because you learn other things that you don’t know. I wish that all the people wanted to learn English because that is the key of all the doors, and have a good future.
Brianna Hamburgo Fragoso is student of the 2nd. Level Intermediate Course 4 to 5, Plantel La Paz Centro.
De:Rôsà Lopez Rivera"
Fecha: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 16:56:30 -0700
I have been studying English for two years; to be honest I don’t like this language so much. Before I denied to learn it, because I thought it was really difficult and I was so angry that always I said to my mom "why should I have to learn English, shouldn’t it be better if the foreigners learn Spanish? I also said that it will be better if the entire world learned some new and easy language.But to be realistic I know it could never happened anyway today I’m more conscientious of the importance about speaking English, I can say a lot of reasons about why study English , the first for me is the necessity , for my future on my carrier, if I travel , to meet foreign people or just to learn new things.
I can say that now I want to speak English and I hope that I can do it soon.
Rosa Jarumy López Rivera is student of the 2nd. Level Intermediate Course 4 to 5 p.m. Plantel La Paz Centro.
De:"el chory"
Asunto: aystah!
Fecha: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 19:30:12 -0700
Why do I study English?
I think that I study English because I like this language; in fact, I like it more than Spanish language. I like reading skate, surf and motocross magazines so much, and I Would like talking to the foreigners and get a job related to the sea where I can grow my English. Over all, I would like to know a pretty chick to take a ride by the World. When I was younger I saw many words on the shop-windows and stickers on the cars and I said,
So, that’s why I decided to study English.
Eduardo Beltran is student of the 3rd. Level Basic Course 9 to 10 a.m. Plantel La Paz Centro.
De:"amanda vidales lopez"
Asunto: Homework
Fecha: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 08:59:02 -0700
Why do I study English?
I study English because it is very important for my profession, my carrier and my economy it’s the universal language in the world. Any where that you go you can speak English. If I learn English I can communicate with my friends that live in United States of America with no problem of translation. The English helps me to do it better in my school. There are many foreign people in my city so I have more customers and more work and this increases my income.
Amanda Vidales is student of the 3rd. Level Basic Course 9 to 10 a.m. Plantel La Paz Centro.
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